10 Top Tips for Drinking More Water
Now the weather is cooling down, I know for a fact that I’m not drinking anywhere near enough water! (Despite owning the most beautiful bottles ever)
So yesterday I put it to you guys to share YOUR top tips for drinking more water!
I was so surprised to see so many of you in exactly the same boat and the cooler weather making it even more tricky to keep up that water intake. And just as an FYI we should be drinking around 2L of water every day! Our Large Drink Bottles will help you reach this target in no time!
Here are some of the tips I loved and will be giving a go!
- Set a reminder every hour. Whether that be on your smartwatch, an outlook reminder or phone alarm (basically whatever will remind you to take a big ol’ swig of water!)
- Having a glass before every meal or snack (win-win, if you are a big snacker like me!)
- Adding lemon or lime to your water - because everyone likes a hint of zest in their day.
- Use a straw - funny but it seems easier to sip than pick up a bottle!
- Drink from a smaller bottle so it feels more achievable (I tried this today and it’s a winner, pat on the back at the end of each bottle #WellDone!)
- When the weather is cooler, drink warm or room temperature water.
- Or the opposite, you might prefer your water icy - in which case add ice cubes!
- Infusion tea! An added boost of flavour to your water.
- Post-it note - right in front of your face as a reminder LOL
- The BEST tip (of course!) have a pretty bottle, just like MontiiCo
I’d love to hear if you give any of these a go and if they work for you!
P.S Looking for more Tips? Check out our blog post:
Five 10 Minute Brain Break Ideas For the Whole Family
very nice blog thanks for posting.
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