Have a yarn with Steph & Steeny!
You might have seen our faces in some behind the scenes footage over on our Instagram, but it's been a little while since we introduced ourselves. We're a close knit team here at Montii and after some office shuffling our whole Marketing Team finally get to sit together! That makes for buckets of creativity, new ideas and a whole heap of laughs.
Hey Steph - you're the Boss Lady around here. Tell us a bit about your role:
Once upon a time - I did everything. From creating the products, to marketing, packing and shipping them. Now I have a brilliant team who do most of that - so my day to day role is mostly coordinating them - and getting to do the fun bits, like product ideas, and photoshoots.
Howdy Steeny - what's your role at Montii?
I work in the warehouse as the warehouse team leader, I also do interaction on Socials some nights during the week, I am always down for a chat in our DM's!
Wanna know something cool? Steph and Steeny have been friends for 25 years! They met in grade 9 when they went to High School together. Let's get to know them both a little better!
What's your favourite Montii product?
Steph: Our new Aurora Large Lunch Bag for sure! I love it because it goes with literally everything, and I like that it's girly but not pink.
Steeny: Shopper Sets, I need a VIP set to add to the collection (wink wink nudge nudge) - They fit groceries, washing for weekends away, towels/spare clothes for beach days, Toys and everything else in between.
What are your favourite words to live by?
Steph: Oh I really LOVE inspirational quotes and my phone is always full one screenshots. I don't have a standout favourite of all time - but at the moment I am really liking "Old ways don't open new doors".
Steeny: No one can make you inferior without your permission - Eleanor Roosevelt
What could you give a 30-minute presentation about with no advance preparation?
Steph: Really great sites to buy clothes from online - LOL.
Steeny: Child Development and Early Years Education, or anything related to Marvel or DC superheroes.
What was the last book you read?
Steph: The Midnight library by Matt Haig, which my sister in law actually recommended. It's not my usual chic-lit style, but I absolutely loved it.
Steeny: 2nd Chance by James Patterson
Your go-to recipe to take to a BBQ?
Steph: Some kind of salad - yep I am that boring healthy friend most of the time. I don't have a big sweet tooth so please don't ever ask me to bring a dessert (unless you are okay with me showing up with a block of chocolate!) Current fave salad would be spinach leaves, brown rice, cranberry, feta and slivered almonds.
Your favourite trash TV:
Steph: LOVING Luxe listings about the Sydney realestate marked on Amazon Prime - although it's such a short season, so I am having to ration that one. Otherwise I'm a sucker for any of the teen mom seasons, or any of the Kardashians.
What tool, object or ritual could you not live without in your workday?
Steph: My favourite part of the day is popping around to check in with everyone on my team. I try and check in with everyone each morning when I'm in the office - and love hearing how their weekend has been, what they have been up to, and seeing the passion in their eyes hearing about their wins inside and outside the office. We are genuinely such a close knit team who enjoy each others company, so we are really lucky!
Steeny: I need to have a coffee or 3 in the morning.
What’s your favourite thing to come home to after a long day of work?
Steph: My kids - as a business owner I am so passionate about my job that I can tend to talk and think about it 24/7 if I'm allowed to. I love spending time with the kids who most definitely do NOT want to talk lunch bags - hearing all about their day and their crazy way of looking at the world. They remind me constantly that the little things really are the big things.
Steeny: My kids and a clean house. It's always one or the other, very rarely both at the same time.
What characteristics do you most admire in other people?
Steph: I am drawn to people who are unapologetically themselves. I am a bit of a chameleon - and find that I bend to fit the audience around me (Literally because I am so tall and most of them a short hah!), so I really admire people who are exactly the same no matter who they are with. It feels like being around people like that free's me to do the same (like a big sigh of relief!).
Steeny: Honesty, strength, creativity and humour!
What chore do you absolutely hate doing?
Steph: Folding washing. Which is why you will often find me tackling Mt Washmore on a Sunday afternoon when everyone in my family has no clean clothes left. (Except me - my online shopping addiction serves me well)
Steeny: Cooking Dinner - ughhhh!
What’s your favourite thing about your workplace?
Steph: That we employ people and not robots. We are flexible - whether it's to family, study or (something else I cant think of) commitments - and I think we aim to take care of the whole person not just their career. We have people who work less days, less hours in a day, start early or prefer to start late, and even some who work solely from home when her baby sleeps. We have a very close knit team - who are all extremely hard workers, creative, fun - and genuinely bloody good humans too!
Steeny: The people, 100% the people.
What’s the coolest thing you purchased this year?
Steph: Probably our camper trailer. Looking forward to getting away once the soccer season ends and things (hopefully) calm down a little more!
We're not done yet - stay tuned for part 2 to hear from the rest of the crew! Let us know if you've got a question for us!
This was flipping beautiful 😍😍😍🥲🥲
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